SB620: Firearms Case Resentencing
SB 620 gives judges in criminal court the discretion whether or not to impose firearm enhancements on their sentence. Firearm enhancements have not been eliminated, but SB 620 provides more room for interpretation and judgement on a case-by-case basis. Firearm enhancements can add 10 to 20 years, and even life, to a criminal case. Now the Court has the opportunity to look at the context of each situation to make sure that the punishment fits the severity of the crime.
SB 620 is not retroactive, meaning you cannot file for relief under this law if your case is final. However, if the case has not been appealed or finalized, it may be possible to recall the case for resentencing.
While there is no formal process to achieve this outcome, the appellate attorney specialists at The Law Offices of Beles and Beles are experts at resentencing cases. Call The Law Office of Beles and Beles to learn more about options that you may be eligible for based on your specific circumstances. Our certified specialist attorneys will help you utilize the facts of your case to achieve the best outcome possible.