Certificate of Rehabilitation

Even after a person has “paid their debt to society” by completing a prison sentence and parole, there are life-hindering challenges experienced by people who have been convicted of a felony. People with criminal records lose opportunities for housing, education, professional licensing, employment, citizenship, and even sometimes their rights such as to vote or own a firearm. 

Will an expunged record restore gun and voting rights?

Expungements are a dismissal, not a complete “erase” button for a criminal record. The Department of Justice on state AND federal levels are still aware of a criminal past. For cases that resulted in prison sentences, expunging a record may not provide relief from the burdens of a criminal record, if it is even available to a felon at all.

What can a Certificate of Rehabilitation do to help?

A Certificate or Rehabilitation, if granted, restores some of the rights of citizenship that were forfeited as a result of a felony conviction. It serves as official documentation from the state that the person is rehabilitated in the eyes of the law, which is in turn taken into account by employment offices and state licensing boards.


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